Jason Vijil – Are You Interested in Solution Selling?

Jason Vijil, a regional business development manager in Illinois, has experience in marketing and sales. He has strong communication skills and has worked in account management and client support. Solution selling can play an important role in marketing and business development management. If you are interested in building a career in marketing, you may need to learn about the basics of solution selling.

Solution selling is a form of marketing that involves determining customers’ needs. Other forms of marketing may focus on promoting a product features. However, professionals who use solution selling learn about their customers and determine how their products can fulfill their customers’ needs. Companies that use market research analysis may choose to use solution selling rather than other types of selling methods. Analysts may send customers questionnaires in order to determine their needs and how to better serve their customers.

Some good practices for solution selling include actively listening and asking good questions. Many professionals strive to get detailed answers from their clients, so that they are able to find products that are tailored to their customers’ needs. Another good tip is to offer customers guidance and advice about products. A good salesperson can help their customers determine their needs and find great products.

Solution selling is important because many buyers are well-educated and well-informed. Solution selling focuses on attracting customers who need their products rather than customers who have no use for their products. Jason Vijil has worked in business development for more than a year and has a background in marketing.


Jason Vijil – How to Become a Great Manager

Jason Vijil is a market analyst with Nudo Products, Inc. in Springfield, Illinois. He is a business development manager and has experience in product development and sales. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration from Loyola University in Chicago. He has used his experience as well as his education to build a successful career in management and business development. If you are starting a career in management, there are a few things you can do to succeed.

One tip for building a career in management is to build your knowledge of your company and your industry. As a management professional, you will be responsible for training employees and working with clients. A strong knowledge can be an important tool for advancing your management career.

Another tip is to build your communication skills. When you take on a management position, you will need to work with your employees and report to your superiors. Communication skills can be developed through experience as well as education.

A third tip is to build great client relationships. If you want to build and advance your career, it may be helpful to focus on developing your client relationships. Networking can help you build your professional connections and become a great management professional.

Management skills can be a valuable asset. Many professionals strive to become managers and advance their careers. Jason Vijil is a successful and ambitious business professional in Illinois. He is a regional business development manager and is responsible for covering five states.


http://www.forbes.com/sites/victorlipman/2015/09/21/10-fundamentals-that-can-help-new-managers-succeed/#43eb402c341d http://www.businessinsider.com/7-to-dos-as-a-first-time-manager-2011-5